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Final product 3/4

This past week in ISM, I have been working really hard on the design method of my final product since I have felt that approaching my informational flyer method would be almost the same thing as doing a brochure, I think going ahead with the brochure method would be more appealing for my audience. As for my audience, I think the parents and kids will be more inclined to look throughout the brochure than have the flyer which would just be more informational rather than direct. I gained a lot of knowledge from my third mentor visit with Dr. Yomna Farooqi yesterday as she laid out and helped me outline how I should design my brochure. Since I am talking about Down Syndrome as my overall overarching theme, I want to make sure I cover all the necessary components for me to make my brochure as direct and helpful for the parents to implement for their children. My mentor added how the last/back page of the mentor should be a page for where a parent could go to get help or any type of resources. Additionally, a short disclaimer that they should get regular checkups with their doctors would be helpful for the parents to keep in mind.

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